


Everything is Sacred

One of the most profound experiences of my life involved an act of grace that made me see, feel and understand the …

Practical Spirituality

Are you feeling stressed or worried? Are you seeking consolation through difficult times? Life gets hard at times for all of us. …

Self Talk

This is an article I published on Medium in 2019 One of my biggest life lessons is to have become very good …

Spiritual practice

A lot of people have the idea that Meditation is difficult or time consuming. Or that it’s not worth doing unless you …

This is an article I published on Medium in 2019 One of my biggest life lessons is to have become very good at editing my self talk. Whenever I catch myself saying anything negative towards myself I automatically change the thought into a positive one. I wouldn’t tolerate any of my friends or family talking badly about themselves so why should I tolerate that for myself? Basically, I don’t take any shit from myself anymore. It has been a long …

I just found this old blog draft from two years ago. It all still applies For the last few years I have been trying my best to read the book of life. Read nature, read the clouds, read the coming and going of everything around me. I am trying to make myself as open to life as possible. For I believe that the the whole world is a teacher. That If you look carefully you can read the book of …

New moon in Leo, August 18th 2020 New moon is the energy of new beginnings. It’s the energy of very early spring when the first flower buds arrive. The new moon is a good time to sit down and look at where you want to go next in your life and set intentions for the month ahead. The new Moon is in Leo so the theme is around self love, letting us be fully seen by others and simply embracing …

Here we go, the gemini new moon. The most social and talkative of them all. This new moon screams at us – It’s time to start seeing people again! There is a very deep longing for connections in this new moon. Unfortunately we might have to wait for this a little bit longer, depending on where in the world we are. A New Moon is a Fresh Start It is the dark womb where all things begin.  A time to …

Full Moon in Scorpio 7th of May 2020 at 17°19 Scorpio 10.45 GMT Full moon in Scorpio is one of the most sacred days of the year. On a day like this the best thing we can do is to quiet the mind so the soul and the spirit can speak to us.  This full moon is called the Vesak moon and is the day when the birth of the Buddha and his enlightenment is celebrated. Every year this day …

Are you feeling stressed or worried? Are you seeking consolation through difficult times? Life gets hard at times for all of us. Here is my gift to you, all my best tools to bring myself back to more joy and ease when life gets hard. For a long time I have been learning about the human mind and the human body, with a focus on finding all the tools that can help us and heal us. The tools that can …

November 26th 2019 A new moon is a fresh start.  It is the dark womb where all things begin.  It is a time to plant a seed, for most seeds need darkness to start growing. It is the perfect time to set intentions for the month to come.  Learn more about the Moon Cycle here. Sagittarius is all about the quest for meaning.  It is the most positive sign of the zodiac. Whatever happens the Sagittarius just keeps going. It …

New Moon in Scorpio – Prepare for the Unexpected This New Moon in Scorpio means business. It is calling you to grow, it is calling you to look under the surface. New moon = Sensitivity On a New Moon is is very important to be aware of our feelings. The tendency on a New Moon can be towards self-animosity or negativity towards ourselves. When we add Scorpio into this mix the potential is there to get stuck in a negative …

The energy of this full moon in Aries on October 13th 2019 is very interesting.  On this full moon we have a choice to make. The intensity is high and things can really go both ways. Into positive expansion or into anger and disruption.  Do we want to focus on what is wrong and burn up our energy in frustration and anger. Or do we want to expand our vision, see what needs to be done to change our lives …

Hey! I am in the process of sharing something daily on the things I have learned on my spiritual journey so far. It’s hard to know where to start. I have changed so much over the last few years. The biggest change is going from lost and unhappy to having a clear purpose and waking up happy pretty much every day. Waking up happy is the best. Maybe joyful is a better word. I am simply full of joy most …