Awesomeness in Every Step!
New moon in Leo, August 18th 2020 New moon is the energy of new beginnings. It's the energy of very early spring when the first flower buds arrive. The new moon is a good time to sit down and look at where you want to go next in your life and set intentions for the month ahead. The new Moon is in Leo so the theme is around self love, letting us be fully seen by others and simply embracing our awesomeness. Leo says, bright and boldly: It's time to be awesome! My suggestion to you: Find some time today or tomorrow and write down all the things that you do well or are great about... -
Speak your Dream into Existence – New Moon in Gemini – May 22 2020
Here we go, the gemini new moon. The most social and talkative of them all. This new moon screams at us - It’s time to start seeing people again! There is a very deep longing for connections in this new moon. Unfortunately we might have to wait for this a little bit longer, depending on where in the world we are. A New Moon is a Fresh Start It is the dark womb where all things begin. A time to plant a seed, for most seeds need darkness to start growing. It is the perfect time to set intentions for the month to come. This new moon holds extra potent energy for intention setting. Make... -
Initiation into the Sacred
Full Moon in Scorpio 7th of May 2020 at 17°19 Scorpio 10.45 GMT Full moon in Scorpio is one of the most sacred days of the year. On a day like this the best thing we can do is to quiet the mind so the soul and the spirit can speak to us. This full moon is called the Vesak moon and is the day when the birth of the Buddha and his enlightenment is celebrated. Every year this day falls on a different day but the celebrations are generally held on the full moon in Taurus wich is most often in May. The Vesak moon is also the day when the masters of... -
Aim for the Stars – New moon in Sagittarius
November 26th 2019 A new moon is a fresh start. It is the dark womb where all things begin. It is a time to plant a seed, for most seeds need darkness to start growing. It is the perfect time to set intentions for the month to come. Learn more about the Moon Cycle here. Sagittarius is all about the quest for meaning. It is the most positive sign of the zodiac. Whatever happens the Sagittarius just keeps going. It is the sign of the eternal traveller. Sagittarius explores both the outer and the inner worlds with equal passion. She wants to know everything, see everything. The new moon in Sagittarius is a perfect time to go within... -
New Moon in Scorpio – Prepare for the Unexpected
New Moon in Scorpio - Prepare for the Unexpected This New Moon in Scorpio means business. It is calling you to grow, it is calling you to look under the surface. New moon = Sensitivity On a New Moon is is very important to be aware of our feelings. The tendency on a New Moon can be towards self-animosity or negativity towards ourselves. When we add Scorpio into this mix the potential is there to get stuck in a negative thought loop. The way out of that is awareness of our thoughts and feelings and this awareness in the job of the Scorpio. If you want to know more about the cycles of the moon you... -
The Spiritual Warrior – Full Moon in Aries
The energy of this full moon in Aries on October 13th 2019 is very interesting. On this full moon we have a choice to make. The intensity is high and things can really go both ways. Into positive expansion or into anger and disruption. Do we want to focus on what is wrong and burn up our energy in frustration and anger. Or do we want to expand our vision, see what needs to be done to change our lives for the better and fearlessly head in that direction. The choice is ours. The Spiritual Warrior The energy of Aries in the positive is the Spiritual Warrior. The willingness to fearlessly fight for justice for all.... -
Setting Intentions with Grandmother Moon
Working with the moon when you are setting goals brings in a whole new dimension of help. It means that you are working with the flow of the natural world rather than against it. The best time to start a new project, start a new habit, start anything new is on or right after the new moon. The new moon, or the black moon is like the womb or like fertile soil. It is a time of growth. So you put your intention, your seed, into the fertile soil of the dark moon and watch it expand with the moon. Every day the moon is getting brighter and and the seed you planted... -
Full Moon Ceremony
You can try to deny it as much as you want but the fact remains, the moon has a strange pull on us. There is something unsettling about a full moon. A strange power. It pulls on us like it pulls on the sea. Plays our notes like a gifted musician. It might also scare us a little bit, we might have heard that people tend to get crazy around the full moon. And that's of course when the werewolves go out to play. The best way to deal with this powerful force is to face it head on - with a Full Moon Ceremony. The Journey to the Underworld Since the moon... -
Independent Women! The Super Blue Moon Blood Eclipse in Leo
We have a very powerful full moon coming up next Wednesday January 31st. It is a Blue Moon, a super moon, the last in a series of 3 super moons, and a Blood lunar eclipse. Whoa! It is also the beginning of a new eclipse season that will include this lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse on the 15th of February. These two eclipses are on the Leo Aquarius axis, just like the August 2017 eclipses. The Leo Aquarius axis is all about freedom and power. Which are of course also the main theme of the #metoo revolution. While the August 2017 solar eclipse was all about kicking us into action this lunar... -
Pale Blue Dot
It is very humbling to see our beloved planet Earth from outer space. In this image taken from Voyager I on February 14, 1990 from a distance of more than 6 billion kilometers or 4 billion miles we see our planet as a tiny dot. A tiny pale blue dot caught in an orange ray of light, resulting from taking the image so close to the sun. This text here below by the wonderful Carl Sagan was inspired by this image and has inspired me so much that I named my album after it. ( You can listen to it here.) Pale Blue Dot "Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's... -
New Moon Intention – Capricorn Moon
The first new moon of the year is upon us. Has anybody else not really gotten into 2018 yet? Raise your hands please. The thing is there was a Full Moon on the 1st of January. The full moon is a time of culmination and the waning moon, the phase of the moon that we have been in since the new year is not the best time to start something new. It is a period for going inwards and letting go of things, not starting new things. But 2018 is waking up. The new year will properly start this week with the first new moon of the year. So it's a powerful time... -
The Moon Cycle
The moon has four main phases: the Dark Moon, the Waxing Moon, the Full Moon and the Waning Moon. Each phase has their own flavour and knowing the power of each phase can be very empowering. The Four Moon Phases We can use an analogy of a flower to get a better picture of the four phases. The Cycle beings with the New Moon.We can picture it as the dark fertile ground. The seed of the flower is still hidden underground, preparing to sprout and grow into the flower it will become. The first phase last for about three days before and after the New Moon. The next phase is the Waxing Moon. During...